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C.I.B, FIN UCH, LT UCH, BY UCH, PMV-01 LTV-03 Mandylay's Oak For Imago

picture of dog
Registered Name: Mandylay's Oak For Imago
Prefix Titles: C.I.B, FIN UCH, LT UCH, BY UCH, PMV-01 LTV-03
Kennel: Mandylay
Sire: Mandylay's Indian
Dam: Deavitte Oakapple
Call Name:
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 14 OCT 1998
Date of Death:
Cause of Death:
Country of Birth: Finland
Country of Residence:
Colour: Black and White with Tan
Distinguishing Features:
Known Offspring:
Mandylay's Oak Gall
Mandylay's Oak Meadow
Mandylay's Oaken Taste
Mandylay's Oakland
Mandylay's Okey-Dokey

Mandylay's Oak For Imago

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