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Edenwell Ner Nodedig

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Registered Name: Edenwell Ner Nodedig
Prefix Titles:
Breeder: Mr. R. T. Eden
Owner: Mr. R. T. Eden
Sire: Edenwell Gleghornie Barrister
Dam: Edenwell Elkay Mali
Call Name:
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 17 MAR 1957
Date of Death:
Cause of Death:
Country of Birth: United Kingdom
Country of Residence:
Colour: Brindle and White
Distinguishing Features:
Known Offspring:
Edenwell Black Ormig
Edenwell Gay Debonair
Edenwell Neges Hapus
Edenwell Ormeg Fach
Haraudon Edenwell Duskie Olene
Edenwell Ner NodedigEdenwell Gleghornie BarristerMonksford Ianto

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Quick Silver
Gleghornie Ambition

Kentwood Dewin

Lisaye Rainbow
Edenwell Elkay Mali

Lisaye Raffles

Kentwood Dewin

Lisaye Rebecca of Greenfarm
Elkay Megan

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Manw Myrnach