Pedigree of Vogie Tail Adelaida |
 Vogie Tail Adelaida |  Aethwy Vogie |  Tokaj-Lisiura Controversia |  Joseter Oban |
 Cudka Lisiura z Anegdoty |
 Blondie's Our First Tri |  Nickname's Bestman to Cardax |
 Avonaire Elusive Fairy In Blue |
 Yardican Harmony |  Yardican Cardiridge Weli Welho |  Cardiridge Red Hot Lover |
 Yardican Kevyt Keiju |
 Yardican It Is Sassenach |  Yardican Icaros |
 All Trade Daffodil |
This pedigree was generated by The Cardigan Archives |