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IR CH Kastlemar Rebel Rascal

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Registered Name: Kastlemar Rebel Rascal
Prefix Titles: IR CH
Breeder: Brid ,Mark and Katie McDonnell
Owner: Brid ,Mark and Katie McDonnell
Kennel: Kastlemar
Sire: Keebleway Iceberg
Dam: Jazenta Jenny
Call Name: Rebel
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 12 MAR 2006
Date of Death:
Cause of Death:
Country of Birth: Ireland
Country of Residence: Ireland
Colour: Brindle and White
Distinguishing Features:
Website: http://www.cardiganwelshcorgisocietyireland.org
Known Offspring:
Kastlemar Brandy Blaise
Kastlemar Sherry Drop
Kastlemar Rebel RascalKeebleway Iceberg

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